
Special Angels: Lessons They Don't Teach In School

About Me

Special Angels: Lessons They Don't Teach In School

As the manager of a home for physically and intellectually challenged children, I have a variety of jobs. One special job is organising a funeral when one of our angels passes on. My goal is to make the occasion joyous and comforting for the families of the children. Our carers also develop strong bonds with these children, and the service is a release of emotion for them as well. Over the years, I have worked with many excellent funeral directors and developed a range of options that make each service unique and memorable. In recent times, friends have started to ask me for advice when they find themselves in the difficult situation of organising a funeral. I have created this blog as I realise that textbooks and school lessons really don't prepare you for this important task. I wish you well.

4 Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting in Cemeteries

Rainwater is something that can be sustainable and renewable. It is quickly becoming an ideal source of water for homes, business, parks and cemeteries. Rainwater harvesting involves the use of a rainwater tank to collect and store rainwater that can have various uses. This water can pour off of gutters, run off streets, but can instead be collected into a rainwater tank for later use. Collecting rainwater is something that is not new, but the use of rainwater tank systems is fairly innovative. Rainwater harvesting with the use of rainwater tanks can offer a variety of benefits for cemeteries.

Reduce Flooding

One of the biggest issues with rainwater is the risk of flooding. Where high amounts of rainwater accumulate flooding can occur. However, rainwater tanks are designed to safely accumulate and store rainwater in a way that reduces the occurrence of flooding. This means that rainwater is not accumulating on roadways or within yards. Flooding in cemeteries can be a major issue, but rainwater tanks allow for flooding to occur at much lower rates. Peak storm water run off of rainwater is reduced and erosion is also limited as a result.

Cost Effective Solution

Using a rainwater tank as a source of water also allows you to have a more cost effective water source. This means that water bills can be reduced at a substantial rate. The demand on the drinking water supply for the entire community can also be reduced if rainwater can be used for flushing toilets and watering plants. Rainwater is safe to use in a variety of ways that allow it to be renewable.

Plant Growth

Cemeteries that are filled with gardens and plants can be maintained much more effectively through the use of rainwater found in rainwater tanks. This type of water is not filled with the pollutants and chemicals that are found in treated water. This means that plant growth can be improved through rainwater harvesting. Man-made contaminants that are found within most water sources are not found in rainwater. This water source is free and the ideal option for cemeteries that require the use of water for plants. Plant growth can be maintained at a high level with the use of rainwater.


Water tanks for rainwater collection and storage are specifically designed to be easy to use. The innovative design of the storage system cuts down on mosquito breeding and makes them safe to use in parks and cemeteries of all sizes.